Minggu, 06 Februari 2011

World Telecommunication in Indonesia

Growth in the world of ICT (Information Communication and Technologies) is now developing very rapidly. with the creation of sophisticated equipment,''objects that might previously considered''imaginary'', can now be realized and enjoyed by the entire population of the world.
The development is supported by the world community that 'literacy' and the more innovative technology with this new thing ,,,,, it is also influenced by an increasingly sophisticated telecommunication systems. With the growing world of ICT, it is definitely related to how a system that used to be enjoyed by both the world's population, it is using increasingly sophisticated telecommunications technologies and also of course more and more engineers''who more and more necessary. In telecommunications itself taught how to manage an effective and efficient data, transmit data and others, in order to be enjoyed properly.
In Indonesia, only a few institutions or Universities that provide telecommunications graduates who are competent in their fields as well as innovative, say who has the credibility in the telecommunications sector such as Institut Teknologi Telkom (STT Telkom), which already produces a good graduate telecommunications engineer and recognized in the national telecommunications company and multinational.
In the telecommunications company there are 3 things that we know, from the Operator (telko service provider), Vendor (Contractor Telko), and also Subcon. In Indonesia there are several companies including the operator of the largest of
1. Telkomsel
2. XL Axiata
3. Indosat (Survey year 2010) industry companies mentioned above and others are always trying to improve telecommunications services to customers with various innovations and kekreativitasan.
In a separate vendor who attracted many other anata Ericson, Nokia, Alcatel, ZTE, Siemens, and also there are many other vendors''. in many vendors provide tools''needed in telecommunications, call it like BTS or another''tower.dan also devices. besides that, there is also subcon that help vendors in the bidding that they handle.
It is clear that the telecommunications industry is very promising until whenever, because humans will continue to dig deeper and creativity''will appear from anywhere. Because we do not live apart from the information and technology.
So make friends''who like in the field of ICT, especially telecommunications, to review and consider with a good choice for you,,, hopefully can help,,,, if anyone can ask questions via comments and God willing I immediately returned everything I can,, hee :)))
I'm a student from ITTelkom Prodi S1 Telecommunication Engineering

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